Contact me

If you would like to contact me about anything, both beauty and non-beauty related, please use the form below. I will do my best to answer your question.

At Maddy Loves, we have experience covering events (sample here and here), reviewing services (sample here), and reviewing products (samples herehere, and here). We’ve also worked with international fashion brands to bring your styled looks (sample here).

I’d like to hear from you about your product, service or event, or if you have any general questions or comments. Please contact me at or use the contact form below; I will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.

Thank you very much.

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Please note: If I don’t get back to you within 3-4 days, it probably means I didn’t get your email. If that is the case, then please send me another one. Thank you!

E-mail me at