Where does BB cream come in?

BB Cream, or Blemish Balm Cream, is roughly defined as a cream that has triple function: covers, protects, repairs (ie. whitens or has anti-aging properties). It has been the rage in Asia for the past few years with every cosmetic company coming out with their own version of this highly coveted cream.

I’ve not been using BB creams for very long, but I have been using it on and off for the past maybe 2 years or so. I know some people swear by BB cream and refuse to wear any other type of makeup base, but I just can’t understand the hype behind it still. To me, BB creams are pretty heavy creams with sheer to medium coverage and actually look powdery on me at times. Thus I still always go back to my beloved foundation.

Not to mention now many companies are coming out with foundations with skincare benefits such as Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation and Guerlain Parure Gold. Not only do these foundations offer the same benefits as BB cream, they are more widely available all over the world and not just in Asia, and they are often lighter in texture but has the same coverage.

Don’t get me wrong, I am really loving the Missha BB cream that I am using right now, I just don’t really understand the point of it since there are so many other products that are so similar.

So between all the foundations, tinted moisturizers and other type of makeup bases, where does BB cream come in?

7 thoughts on “Where does BB cream come in?

  1. i heard BB cream are original for cosmetic surgery patients and people who have skin laser surgery. At first, it was used to cover the red spots or conceal the surgery area, so that it is less obvious. But somehow, I don’t know how it get so famous in Korea.
    I will categorize it under liquid foundation

  2. I don’t understand BB creams as such, either, but I love it that there are now more foundations with at least some skin caring ingredients.

  3. nailed it pretty much. but it is a tinted moisturizer with bad choice of colours IMO. however, i have only tried one on myself so far. (I did try a lot of them in the stores including the one you are using.) They didn’t impress me so I haven’t gone into that direction yet. I prefer real foundation, real TM and real moisturiser.

    and I prefer Bourjois Healthy Mix over Missha BB Cream. šŸ™‚

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