
My blog has officially passed 30,000 hits.

Its probably not a huge deal to most of you, but for some reason I felt that this number has some significance to me. I remember when I was following this girl’s personal blog (she’s stopped blogging now… disappeared off somewhere) and I congratulated her on reaching 30,000 visitors.

I had never thought that this would happen to me, but it did, just yesterday.

Thank you to everyone who has read or currently reads my blog. I put a lot of time and energy writing each and every piece that is posted here. No matter if you find the material relevant to you, I still hope it has helped you in some way, even if it is just filling up some free time you have.

I’m a blogger, I guess I would be considered an informal journalist if that is what bloggers are being called today. My readers are the most important asset to me because without you, I wouldn’t be here writing. Although personally I try to write more for myself than for others, because this is still my blog (ie. I don’t write just because I have readers, I write because I love to write), I have to admit during some odd times I probably wouldn’t have bothered writing on if I didn’t have anyone to read it.

So, today I thank you for the time and energy you have put into reading my material. Hopefully in the coming weeks, months and years, the material will become more relevant to you as I expand my knowledge of beauty products and blogging in general.

Since I’m already making it sound like an award show… I might as well thank some people =D

I thank… PJ at A Touch of Blusher

PJ was the first ever beauty blogger I discovered. I was looking for reviews of a certain product (can’t remember what it was now) when I stumbled on her blog. She completely opened the door for me to the world of beauty blogging because I didn’t even know something like this existed. I had started blogging when I was pretty young during the days of Xanga, but that was just about ranting about life and such, never about anything really substantial. But thanks to PJ, I’m now fully addicted to writing about beauty products, makeup and skincare. Thank you, PJ!

I thank… Erynn at e.motion in motion

I think Erynn is the first real blogger friend I’ve made. I’ve made some contact with other bloggers in the past but its always been very formal, never really friendly, kind of like a blogger interacting with once of his/her readers. But it was different with Erynn because I felt like we could really talk about things, even if it wasn’t about makeup. My first formal swap was also with Erynn, I felt so bad after receiving her package because I’ve never done swaps before and I’m not really familiar with the customs associated with it (like not writing a note on a piece of torn white paper… oops, lol) Thank you, Erynn for being so great!

I thank… Miz Pink (aka Pam)

I don’t think I’ve ever really interacted with Pam except over Twitter, but I really admire her ability to be honest. In school we’re always taught to cover ourselves up online. In elementary school it was because there are creepers online, and now in university its because potential recruiters are looking at our online profiles. I believe in full honesty, but sometimes there are just so many roadblocks. I applaud Pam for being so true to herself. I’d really want to meet her some day, because I know she’d bring out the best in me. Thank you, Pam!

Of course, thank you to each and one of you who’s made me reach 30,000. Love you all and hope that you continue to support my “cause” here. HEHE.

10 thoughts on “30,000

  1. Congrats Sheila! ^___^ I <3 you! You are an awesome blogger & all those hits prove it! I am glad we got to be blogger buddies, I hope we can meet up one day =) LOL and np about the swapping... I am pretty much just beginning at it too XP

    I have never really talked to Pam either but DAMN do I read her blog like a fiend… I always look forward to when she updates lol XD everything about her is so raw and real and empowering.. Love it.. and her hujangous titties, of course! ;P

    Anywho, keep on blogging & I know you’ll get many more hits to come! 😀

  2. Hi Sheila!

    Congrats on hitting 30,000 views! I always read your posts, I might not always have time to comment but I’m always reading your reviews and about your trips. You are a great blogger and I’m glad I follow you.

    I agree all 3 girls have great blogs, I just found Erynn through your blog and I think her site is amazing.

    Congrats again!

  3. congrats!! please continue writing because I’m sure a lot of us out there would miss it if you don’t write anymore! I also write for myself because having a blog is just a form of an outlet to rant and to share my shopping, but having readings make it so much more fun (:

  4. congrats. I agree that even myself, numbers meant so much to me. haha. well, maybe because we are hoping people to read whatever we mentioned in our blog and number = cares? hmm.
    will support your bloggie! ❤

  5. Hi sheila~ congrats on hitting 30,000!! I am glad to see your blog blossom so much and its always nice seeing your review since you give your time for others to know the products as well! Im sorry if I never really got to know you,,, 😦 but I am happy that I got to meet you here on blogger!

    hope you have many more happy blogging time and make many more friends here!<3<3

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